When I was in high school I always lied to my mom about the
time my after school activities ended. Not because I was behind the gym listening
to pre-Michelle Destiny’s Child and kissing guys who wore blindingly white Air
Force Ones, I wasn’t that cool. I lied because then I’d only have to wait for
her 10 minutes instead of 30. My
mom was always late picking me up.
And dropping me off
I remember getting the itinerary for our senior class trip
to Disney World and the meeting time was 7 in the morning. I told her we had to
be there at 6:30 and I still missed the senior class picture in front of the
charter buses.
In my adult life, where I only need others to drive me
around because I’m too drunk to do it myself, I’m still barely on time. I guess
tardiness is a hereditary trait my mother passed on to me, like our mutual love
of chicken egg foo young.
Although I’m perpetually late, one of the few instances in
my life when I was on time led to me going on one of the best dates I’ve ever
I was working at a convention for a popular software manufacturer and on the last day of the convention, everything seamlessly fell into place.
I woke up before my alarm clock went off and had time to eat
breakfast. There was no traffic on Lakeshore Drive and I found free street
parking that was a close walk to McCormick Place. This may all sound like a
normal day to you, but for me, getting places in a timely fashion is rarely an
easy fete. I swear whenever I have an appointment an El train would derail, a
car would burst into flames on the highway or I would get to the bus stop only
to realize I didn’t have my wallet.
Or my phone.
Because it was in my other purse.
With my house keys.
And now I'm locked out.
But today, I was on time. I arrive at our booth 40 minutes early and start helping my
coworkers, Monica and Stephanie set up game consoles when a guy approaches us.
“Sorry sir. We’re not open yet.”
“Sir?” he scrunches up his face deepening the faint crows
feet around his eyes. “I’m a keynote speaker, not an attendee. Just curious
about what you’re showing.”
I notice he has an accent, but couldn’t quite place it.
While connecting an audio jack into the back of a TV Monica
answers him. “We have some of the unreleased Xbox titles and we let people play
them. ”
“I love games. I don’t often play Xbox, but I love both computer
and board games.”
I love board games too I thought to myself. My interested
was piqued.
“What’s your nationality?”
“I’m Australian. From Melbourne.”
He pronounced it “Mel-Bin”
“Australian? What an interesting name.”
Chuckling the Australian says, “My name is Steve.”
He said it exactly like Steve Irwin the late Crocodile Hunter
would have.
Monica, Stephanie, Steve and I sat on the couches at our
booth and chatted about random things for the next few minutes. Steve was
positively charismatic. Eventually I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was
a text message from Stephanie.
It read: Stop flirting and come to work!!! ;) Our shift is
about to start!
I looked up from my phone. I hadn’t even noticed that
Stephanie and Monica were no longer sitting next to us. Steve and I
exchanged Twitter handles and said our goodbyes.
On my lunch break, I direct tweeted him and we agreed to
meet up at a booth that had 16 bit games. We played the original Donkey Kong and
walked around the convention collecting emoji pins from different booths and
attaching them to the lanyards that held our official Microsoft badges.
Back at my booth, we played FIFA for a bit and then Steve
asked, “Are you going to the Microsoft after party tonight?
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My emoji pins |
As soon as Stephanie noticed Steve she peeked out from
behind a flat screen TV and mouthed,“Your babies will be so cute!”
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Stephanie popping out |
“Well I'm sure they won’t turn you away. How could they?”
So I went home, changed into a cute black dress as quick as I could and drove
back to McCormick Place in record time.
Microsoft pulled out all the stops.
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Actual footage of me rushing to get back to the party |
They transformed the East wing of McCormick Place to look
like downtown Chicago. There were food trucks lined up inside the convention
center and multiple interactive games for guests to play.
As the sun sparkled over Lake Michigan and started to set behind
the Chicago skyline, Steve and I went outside on the balcony to enjoy the view.
We sat on a bench and played two truths and a lie.
“Ok guess which one is the lie,” I said enthusiastically.
- I’ve never been married, but I’ve been on a honeymoon.
- A man crossed a desert barefoot to prove his love to me.
- I think the best part of a Chick-Fil-A sandwich is the way the pickle juice penetrates the bread, the chicken and your soul.
All the talk about food made me hungry, so Steve went to get
us some food truck snacks. My phone started to vibrate in my dress with
pockets. Monica was calling.
“Are you here?
Isn’t this set up is amazing?”
“Yea I’m with Steve on the Balcony.”
“I’ll leave you two alone then. Have fun! Tell me about it
Microsoft had built large sculptures that mimicked the
landmarks around Chicago. Steve hadn’t had a chance to explore because he was
working, so I acted as his personal tour guide. I explained the significance of
the landmarks and we took pictures at each one like tourists.
Fall Out Boy performed that night too. I don’t have any of their albums, but I knew a some of their songs from playing Rock Band with my brother and younger cousins. When the lights went down and the smoke began to creep across the stage, Steve placed his hand on the small of my back and led me to the dance floor. I’m almost certain that the moment he touched me, I felt my left ovary release an egg into my fallopian tube.
“Hey TK!”
Making his way through the crowd was one of the guests I had played Gran Tourismo with at my booth earlier.
Making his way through the crowd was one of the guests I had played Gran Tourismo with at my booth earlier.
“Oh hi. Henrik right?”
I was once told there is a correct way to introduce people.
You’re supposed to say this is so and so, and then mention an interesting fact
about them. This way, the people meeting each other will have something to
start a conversation about.
“Henrik, this is Steve. He’s a Keynote speaker from
Microsoft and he used to play Aussie rules football.” I turn to Steve.
“This is Henrik, he’s here from Sweden and was just leaving.”
I smiled and said it nicely guys, I swear!
I smiled and said it nicely guys, I swear!
But Henrik would not leave my side. I was sandwiched between
the two like a reverse Oreo.
While listening to Fall Out Boy scream sing, This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race, I telepathically tried to get Henrik to scram. My grandma always told me I was a magical creature but apparently my telepathic super powers had not come in yet.
Now I don’t remember much from high school, as it was a long time ago but I remember a few things. Like the time my friends and I played laser tag and I pistol whipped our friend Jaime. She was supposed to get stitches, but we didn't take her to the hospital. I remember we learned that World War I was started because Archduke Franz Ferdinand was
assassinated and I was pretty certain that Australia and Sweden were neutral
countries. And yet here I was, at the helm of the Microsoft Convention Cock
Block of the century.
Nothing happened between Steve and I that night. I offered
to give him a ride to his hotel and during the ride we sang Chop Suey, another
Rock Band favorite of mine, at the top of our lungs. He hugged me from the
passenger seat and then I dropped him off at his boutique hotel on Michigan
When I got home I direct tweeted Steve.
“Had fun. Thanks for tonight.”
He tweeted back, “We didn’t take a picture together, probably
should have.”
“No worries, I won’t forget tonight.”
Steve and I kept in touch through email for weeks after
that. Stephanie thought it would
be a cute story to tell our grandkids one day. That we fell in the love the day
we met, spent the entire day together and kept in touch through letters, like Marilyn Monroe and John F.
Ever thine,
Ever mine,
Ever ours.
Signed, Microsoft guy
Honestly I’m not sure if we went on a date because Steve
didn’t ask me to the party, He asked me if I was going. He also didn’t kiss me
at the end of the night, although he seemed like he wanted to. He did bring me
food truck ice cream and touched my back though… So clearly he wanted to marry
me, no? Isn’t that what the lower back graze means? I was so confused.
“How about we go to a Lego contest? We can see what others
have built and maybe even build our own Lego structure. Then we can go get
dinner and drinks and afterward we can meet my friends for game night.”
I was still confused about our Microsoft outing, but I
wasn’t at all perplexed about this meet up. Look, I don’t have a PhD (Player
Haters Degree) but this sounded like a date to me.
When I arrived at our meet up spot, I saw Steve crossing the
street. He was just as cute as I remembered from a year ago. As soon as he saw
me he gave me one of those genuinely happy smiles that shows all your teeth and
engulfed me in a warm hug.
I’m late. I'm not sure how much of the Lego contest we’ll get to see after my
friend gets here.”
“Here silly. I was at a church thing and my friend heard what we
were doing and wanted to come along.”
I think this was the Universe’s way of paying me back for
going on Mary’s date in Mexico City. Karma is real y’all.
“Hey Steve!” A tall Asian guy jogs toward us with a smile on
his face. He was dressed nicely, like he was going on a date.
He didn’t even introduce us the right way. If I was able to
read minds I could have at least been able to tell if Steve was trying to tell
Johnson to scram. My magical powers had failed me again. This time I was sandwiched between the two like a Mexican
Polvoron shortbread cookie.
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Brown, Yellow & Pink Polvorones |
We miss the Lego contest, so instead we walk around downtown Seattle before heading to dinner. The guys sit down and I excuse myself to the bathroom
and call my guy friend Rafael.
"Rafi, I am so annoyed. I wore heels tonight! Ok not heels, I wore
wedges, but close enough!"
“This guy brought an entire dude on our date!"
For the record, I think it’s kinda funny when people use a measurement to describe something that you can only have a whole portion of. It’s not like Steve could have brought 3 quarters of a dude on our date.
For the record, I think it’s kinda funny when people use a measurement to describe something that you can only have a whole portion of. It’s not like Steve could have brought 3 quarters of a dude on our date.
“Sorry to hear that babe. Just have a good time and eat
well. Order something expensive. Tell me how it goes.”
When I got back to the table, there was a really pretty
woman sitting next to Johnson.
What is going on? Is this a date after all? Or is this their date? Are we on
a double date?
At the end of the night, Johnson drove us to the parking
deck where my rental car was parked. Steve asked Johnson to stay behind so
that he could walk me to my car. We got to my car and awkwardly stood in front of each other. The parking deck was empty and you could hear cars whizzing by on the street.
“Would you like to come
with me to church tomorrow?”
My friend Tasha is flying in from Chicago tomorrow morning and I have
to pick her up from the airport.”
“Well we’re having brunch after Church. You’re both invited to
that too. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet a cute guy there.
And that was that.
Actually no, that wasn't the end of my relationship with Steve. We continued to text each other for a few more months. In my defense, I was over my feelings for him, but I can't lie, he was a good conversationalist. Aquarians usually are.
After many late night phone conversations, I realized Steve wasn't the one for me. But he beat me to the punch.
Steve told me he didn’t think God had called him to be my husband. He literally said that. In this instance, He is interchangeable with God and Steve.
I've heard of people saying, "It's not you. It's me, but I have never heard someone say, "It's not you, its GOD. The Lord doesn't want us to be together."
What in the nondenominational hell? Who says that to someone? I mean honesty is the best policy, but damn. Does Christian Mingle advise people to say this?
Actually no, that wasn't the end of my relationship with Steve. We continued to text each other for a few more months. In my defense, I was over my feelings for him, but I can't lie, he was a good conversationalist. Aquarians usually are.
After many late night phone conversations, I realized Steve wasn't the one for me. But he beat me to the punch.
Steve told me he didn’t think God had called him to be my husband. He literally said that. In this instance, He is interchangeable with God and Steve.
I've heard of people saying, "It's not you. It's me, but I have never heard someone say, "It's not you, its GOD. The Lord doesn't want us to be together."
What in the nondenominational hell? Who says that to someone? I mean honesty is the best policy, but damn. Does Christian Mingle advise people to say this?
So after that, it really was the end. Maybe my magical power isn't telepathy. Maybe its dodging relationship bullets.